A dangling carrot is used to persuade someone by offering something that they may or may not actually get. For example, people may say that an employer who tries to motivate employees with a promotion or raise is 'dangling a carrot.'
But first, let's address the opposite of this. Sort of like the opposite of a raise or promotion, we'll call it “performance punishment”. This could mean being put on a performance plan, receiving a poor performance review, not getting a bonus etc.
Wanna hear another example of performance punishment?
It’s getting rewarded for good work with more work🥕.
It’s being expected to take on more work or responsibility because of good performance.
Wanna hear another?
It’s not being promoted because you’re too valuable in your current role to lose. 🥕
Wanna hear another?
It’s the continued promise of a raise or promotion for taking on extra work and responsibility that never comes. 🥕Taking on a temporary backfill of a role (on top of your own) that goes on indefinitely with no increased compensation. Then people just sort of “forget”.
The dangling work carrot effect is real. I’ve seen it go on for people for years. 🥕
You don’t need to overwork, overachieve, or otherwise do handstands and backflips in your job to deserve to be there. You don’t need to “earn” your living. You’re allowed to be alive, because you already are.
Booth Careers serves Burlington, Oakville, Hamilton, Milton, Waterdown, Mississauga and beyond (virtual services are available across the globe) by providing career counselling and coaching, job search and outplacement support to those who have lost their job, or are thinking about a change. If you’re looking for some help in your career, you’re in the right place. Feel free to schedule a free chat with Christine to look more or, if you want help with your specific career problem, you can book a session online to get some immediate support.
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